working with those causing harm

In the UK, domestic abuse constitutes 15% of police-recorded crime with 1.6 million estimated female victims in the year ending March 2020. These figures do not accurately represent the enormity of the problem as significantly more offences never come to the attention of any service, remaining unreported and under the radar.

For every victim and survivor of domestic abuse, there is a perpetrator. If we are to stand any chance of reducing the risk to victims and tackle the root cause of domestic abuse, it is imperative that we identify and engage those individuals perpetrating abuse and hold them to account.

However, just like safeguarding the victim, the identifying and targeting of domestic abuse perpetrators must go beyond a criminal justice response. It is the responsibility of all frontline services. Unless we commit to a shared vision of addressing those causing harm, perpetrators will remain under the radar and victims will continue to suffer in silence.

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About Us Image

Our values

Safety and trust

We are committed to ensuring safety is upheld in and outside the organisation. We are committed to building trusting relationships to create change and build safer communities.

Engagement and choice

We are committed to removing barriers to engagement and learning from each client interaction. We are committed to enabling individuals to make different choices by providing support and guidance to access pathways towards recovery and change.

Collaboration and innovation

We are committed to learning from collaboration with those in our service, staff, and partners to develop and share best practice. We are committed to creating an innovative workforce and providing services that are infused by a passion for learning and improvement.

Influence and inform

We are committed to working with individuals and with partners, networks and organisations who we can both learn from and influence. We are committed to developing an evidence base and being part of the conversation to influence and inform sustainable whole system change.

Inclusion and diversity

We are an equal opportunities employer and are proud to employ a workforce that reflects the diverse communities we serve. We aim to encourage a culture where people can be themselves and be valued for their strengths. We seek to attract and employ the best people from the widest talent pool, reflecting the diverse range of people we support.

Quality assurance

We are committed to robust quality standards across the organisation, upheld by external inspection.

trauma award

What makes us different

At Hampton Trust, we use a trauma informed approach in everything we do.

We believe that empathy and accountability are not mutually exclusive, and our decades of experience working with perpetrators and witnessing the results first hand have reinforced the belief that, with the right support, everyone can change.

We are driven by innovation and are not afraid to push the limits of current practice. We not only design and develop interventions; we deliver them ourselves, which gives us the opportunity to robustly evaluate them, continue to learn from them, and evolve them in line with the latest evidence. Our programmes are scalable and can also be delivered by other organisations with guidance and quality assurance from us.

In 2021, Hampton Trust became one of three organisations to achieve the One Small Thing Trauma Informed Quality Mark. This accreditation ensures that trauma informed principles are implemented across the culture, practice and environment of the organisation, with individual needs and wellbeing prioritised.

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