We have developed a number of new interventions to meet the increasing need for a tiered, flexible and needs-led approach to addressing the root cause of abuse; the principles of our CARA intervention have become the Government recommended standard for early interventions for domestic abuse perpetrators; and both CARA and the DARE Toolkit are now delivered nationally through replication and train-the-trainer models. Our strategic priorities for 2024-2027 reflect this expansion as well as our ambition to continue to drive lasting system change.
Ensure that Hampton Trust is an effective and sustainable organisation
We will continue to build robust systems and processes to support Hampton Trust through the next significant growth period. As we build capacity nationally through our delivery of CARA and DARE, it is vital that we maintain quality standards, attract and retain a highly skilled workforce, diversify our income streams and build a sustainable budget to cover increasing overheads.
Continue to develop an independent and robust evidence base for our work
We will continue to invest in independent, robust evaluations of all our programmes and interventions to ensure we retain the ability to evidence not just the effectiveness of our interventions, but also our ability to replicate them nationally.
Maintain effective delivery to address the root cause of the problem and break the cycle of abuse
Our mission is to design and deliver interventions, training and education to break the cycle of abuse and rebuild lives. The commitment across government, statutory and third sector organisations to target individuals causing harm is finally gaining traction. It is essential that we continue to deliver our flagship programmes, build strong partnerships, and design/test new approaches to evidence our impact.
Embed a domestic abuse routine enquiry approach across frontline organisations
Domestic abuse is everyone’s business, and we believe that all frontline professionals have a duty to identify and engage individuals using harmful behaviours. The DARE Toolkit provides training and materials to increase the competence and confidence of frontline professionals to achieve this. Our priority is to enable as many professionals as possible to adopt the DARE framework into their practice.
Embed the principles of equity, equality, diversity and inclusion in everything we do
Our fifth strategic priority focuses on embedding the principles of EEDI in all aspects of the business. A 3-year business plan with clear deliverables will ensure we make significant steps forward in this area.
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