‘Truth or Dare’: Support our campaign and spread the word amongst your colleagues!

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For every victim and survivor of domestic abuse, there is a perpetrator. We believe that if we are to stand any chance of reducing risk to victims, it is imperative that we identify and engage those perpetrating abuse and hold them to account.

Here at Hampton Trust, we believe that identifying domestic abuse perpetrators must go beyond a criminal justice response and be the responsibility of all frontline services. Unless we commit to a shared vision of addressing those causing harm, perpetrators will remain under the radar and victims will continue to suffer in silence.

We designed the DARE (Domestic Abuse Routine Enquiry) toolkit to support frontline professionals in playing their part. We want to see a whole system change where frontline services embed DARE as part of their work with clients so that perpetrators can be identified earlier, held to account better, and receive the right specialist intervention to help them change their behaviour.

Collectively, we can do better.

DARE Image

What they say

I feel more confident engaging with perpetrators in an effective and safe way and paying proportionate attention to them in any plans or assessments. I feel more knowledgeable about domestic abuse and how perpetrators may present as victims. This will help me to advocate for a domestic abuse-informed approach in Children’s Services.

I am now willing to be able to offer support to families where domestic abuse is a concern – previously I have asked my team manager to avoid allocating me these cases.

This training has given me the confidence to ‘dive deeper’ with the perpetrator to find out why they behave the way they do. The training has also given me ideas for trying different methods to engage both victims and perpetrators.

webinar recording

Asked Questions

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Having the tools and knowledge of support available and techniques in motivational interviewing will help me feel more confident in engaging with perpetrators and instigating change in behaviours.

Who is it for?

The DARE toolkit and training has been designed for frontline professionals who may encounter domestic abuse as part of their routine client work. This includes those working in social care, health, substance misuse, housing, schools and other educational settings, bluelight services, etc.

What does it include?

The course consists of three modules:

  • How to identify domestic abuse perpetrators
  • How to explore risks and context associated with domestic abuse perpetrators
  • How to engage domestic abuse perpetrators and nudge them into specialist services

Professionals will gain confidence in having those important initial conversations in a way that is safe for everyone involved, and in supporting perpetrators to access specialist help.

How long is the course?

The course consists of three virtual half-day workshops, one for each core module. In-person options are also available for group bookings.

How much does it cost?

Individual bookings: £275 

Group booking discounts available

Driven by results

How we’ve


of participants reported having gained increased confidence in starting conversations with perpetrators


of participants reported having gained a better understanding of how to refer or signpost clients to specialist services for perpetrators

Want to find out more?

This course is available for group bookings
and can be delivered virtually or in person.
For prices, further information and to book,
please email [email protected]
or call 023 8000 1061.

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